<meta name="google-site-verification" content="djWqAWjAEOM6DuHWZ4hm7Ode0itEh11CN87_atP0b4o" /> The Welsh Society of Manitoba
<meta name="google-site-verification" content="djWqAWjAEOM6DuHWZ4hm7Ode0itEh11CN87_atP0b4o" /> The Welsh Society of Manitoba
Established in 1892
St David’s Society of Winnipeg
(From September 2013)
The Welsh Society of Manitoba
Cymdeithas Gymreig Manitoba
New Members always Welcome
Mae croeso i bawb ymaelodi
To apply for membership,
visit the Society’s new website at
Swyddogion y Gymdeithas
Officers of the Society 2019 - 2020
Carol Sharp
Executive Committee :
Pwyllgor Gweithredol :
Ysgrifennydd : Phil Winkless
Trysorydd : Mair Livingstone
Web-site & contact
Gwefan & chysylltwr : info@manitobawelshsociety.ca
Aelod er Anrhydedd am oes
Honorary Life-Member Professor Bernard Knight CBE, Cardiff, Wales
“The Welsh Society of Manitoba was established to celebrate and promote interest in the history, language, culture and heritage of Wales. Membership is open to anyone who wishes to join. The Society is non-political and non-sectarian.”
“Sefydlwyd y Gymdeithas Gymreig Manitoba er mwyn hyrwyddo diddordeb yn yr hanes, yr Iaith, y diwylliant a'r etifeddiaeth Cymru. Fydd aelodaeth yn agored i bawb sy'n ei ddymuno. Mae'r Gymdeithas yn gwbl amholiticaidd ac anenwadol”.
The Welsh Society of Manitoba is an Organisational Life-Member of the
Welsh North American Association
(formerly WNGGA)
Logo designed by Michael Lloyd
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